Last Rites Beignet Bites by Addison Moore

Date Published | August 2022

POV | First Person POV Past Tense



Description | My name is Lottie Lemon, and I see dead people. Okay, so I rarely see dead people, mostly I see furry creatures of the dearly departed variety, who have come back from the other side to warn me of their previous owner’s impending doom.

The grand dame of Leeds County has passed away and her friends and family are throwing a going away party—aka funeral—of the ages. Everyone is invited to the swanky soiree but Carlotta’s invitation seems to have gotten lost in the mail. Lucky for her, I’m catering the event, and I begrudgingly let her tag along as my assistant. But the funeral goes awry when a killer shows up on the scene.

And what’s better than one Everett Baxter? Two. Everett’s cousin Ransom is in town to help out with Everett’s new legal woes. And he brings along his girlfriend, Trixie Troublefield, and their friends, Bess and Nettie. You can bet your last dollar that Carlotta, Bess, and Nettie stir up enough trouble to land in a few legal woes of their own.

Lottie Lemon has a brand new bakery to tend to, a budding romance with perhaps one too many suitors, and she has the supernatural ability to see the dead—which are always harbingers for ominous things to come. Throw in a string of murders, and her insatiable thirst for justice, and you’ll have more chaos than you know what to do with.

Last Rites Beignet Bites by Addison Moore
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