Best Places to find Paranormal Cozy Mystery Audiobooks

Best Places to find Paranormal Cozy Mystery Audiobooks

These days, there’s no shortage of great places to find paranormal cozy mystery audiobooks. Thanks to the wonders of the internet, you can download or stream your audiobooks onto your listening device like an iPod, phone, or tablet and listen wherever you go! Here are some of my favorite places to buy paranormal cozy mystery audiobooks. Each site has its perks, but they’re great places to start your search.


Audible is a subscription service that allows you to download audiobooks, radio shows, and podcasts. You can listen to them on your computer or mobile device, and they have a wide range of paranormal cozy mystery audiobooks available in their catalog.

Amazon Kindle Store

The Kindle Store has several paranormal cozy mystery audiobooks that you can download for free or at a discounted price. The selection is not as large as Audible, but it does give you options for listening to your favorite books on your computer or mobile device. Some of these titles include:

iTunes Store

If you’re an Apple user, then the iTunes Store is another great place for finding paranormal cozy mystery audiobooks at a discounted price or for free! Many of them are free because they were previously released and are now offered as promotions over time, so check back often to see if any new deals are available!

Google Play Books

Google Play Books is an excellent resource for finding paranormal cozy mystery audiobooks, and it’s easy to use and has a wide selection of titles available for download. The only downside is that you’ll need to purchase them through your phone or tablet, so if you’re looking for something to listen to on the go, this may not be the best option.

Amazon Prime Reading

Amazon Prime Reading lets you access over a thousand titles free of charge as long as you have an Amazon Prime subscription. While it doesn’t include any paranormal cozy mysteries, it’s still a great source for finding free audiobooks online.

Kobo Audiobook Store

Kobo is an online bookstore with over five million titles available for sale and download, including paranormal cozy mystery audiobooks. They offer daily deals on select audiobooks, so it’s worth checking out what’s on sale before buying anything else! Their app is available for iOS and Android devices and desktop computers, making it easy to listen to your purchases anywhere you go as long as you have an internet connection.

Hoopla Digital Library

Hoopla Digital is a free audiobook service that lets you borrow titles from a selection of thousands of audiobooks and ebooks from libraries across the country. The best part? It’s completely free to use. You can find it on the web or through their mobile app.


Librivox is a free audiobook website where volunteers record public domain books and make them available to everyone for free download, including many paranormal cozy mystery audiobooks! You can also volunteer to record yourself reading aloud if you want to help with this project! The site also has an app that allows you to download books directly onto your phone or Kindle so you can listen anywhere without needing WiFi access.


There are no shortage of cozy mystery audiobook series to choose from on audible, and there are several other places that also provide audiobooks. If you enjoy paranormal cozy mysteries, then check out audible, first. Audiobooks provide the perfect opportunity to relax after a long day if you have transportation, or they can provide some entertainment while working around the house if you are crafty.



Best Places to find Paranormal Cozy Mystery Audiobooks

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